GutIndex® TOTAL -comprehensive test of the gut microbiota
We have analysed your sample. The microbial balance is presented as the Gutindex value which is calculated as the relation between bacterial groups based on research. Different bacterial groups are presented individually in relation to our reference data. These bacterial groups have been shown to be significant to our health.
Your index is very good, over 60. The prevalence of beneficial bacteria in your gut is at a very good level compared to non-beneficial bacteria.
Beneficial bacterial groups
Bifidobacteria (beneficial)
This analysis covers a multitude of bifidobacterial species such as B. longum, B. breve, and B. bifidum.
Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (beneficial)
Single bacterial species which is important for gut health.
Lactobacilli (beneficial)
This analysis covers a multitude of lactobacilli such as L. case, L. rhamnosus, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum and L. fermentum.
normal microbial groups which may cause symptoms when over represented
Clostridia (non beneficial when overly represented)
This analysis covers hundreds of species that inhabit the gut such as Clostridium, Roseburia ja Ruminococcus.
Bacteroides (non beneficial when overly represented)
This analysis covers Bacteroides-, Prevotella– ja Porphymoras-species.
Streptococci (non beneficial when overly represented)
This analysis covers all streptococci-species.
unbeneficial bacterial groups. These levels should be low.
Gammaproteo bacteria (non beneficial)
This analysis covers species linked to inflammation such as Echerichia, Serratia, Yersinia, Shigella and Salmonella.
Fusobacteria (non beneficial)
Fusobacteria is a group that commonly causes gingivitis and can also disturb the balance of the gut.
Yeast cells in your test:
The result is positive if the + sign is surrounded by an orange circle
The result in words:
A personal statement from the microbiologist about the result.
A personal recommendation by a microbiologist as needed.
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